frequently asked

FAQ + Info

How long does shipping take?

All orders are shipped within 2-7 business days unless noted otherwise. Pre-orders of any kind are made just for you, and take 2-4 weeks to ship.

International orders (outside of the US) may take a few days longer due to customs.

Can I request a refund?

Unfortunately at this time, no. Unless a mistake was made on my end of processing, refunds are non-negotiable. Because of this, please make sure to double check product descriptions before purchasing!

If you ever have questions about products, please feel free to reach out before purchasing as well.

Do you accept returns?

Unfortunately, returns are not accepted at this time. Because Knottylux is a small-business run solely by me, Lux- I ask that you understand all sales are final.

If you are seriously unhappy with your product, please feel free to reach out! I will gladly discuss what can be done depending on what went wrong with your experience.

Can I order something custom?

I do not offer fully-customizable orders through my website at this time.

For pre-orders, I do take into consideration small things, such as color palette changes, if asked beforehand!

If you are seriously looking for a custom order, please feel free to reach out so we can discuss and see what can be done!

Do you offer gift-packaging?

If your purchase is meant to be a gift, please feel free to reach out and let me know.

Standard packaging that I use is typically simple and lightweight to prevent shipping costs from being too high- but I will happily accentuate your order's final touches if needed!